What are the limitations of ReactJS?

    Dec 03, 2022       by Suraj Roy

ReactJS is one of the most popular javascript libraries and with so many advantages there are also few limitations that we should take care of while starting a project from scratch. It is also a very common question asked in the fresher level or expert level interview of Reactjs.

Limitations with ReactJS


1. It's a library, not a framework

ReactJS library Covers only the UI Layers(create reusable components) of the app and nothing else. Which means we can not develop a full fledge front application using ReactJS. But for developing a full-fledged application we need to install other third-party packages like Redux, Mobx, React Router, etc. If we talk about Angular which is a framework, has all these features inbuilt that the dependencies on the third party is very less with Angular. And more dependecy on third party packages will create issues while upgrading the application to the latest version as it will create problems of compatibility, means upgrading the app to latest is very tedious job.


2. Use of JSX

Since with another framework like Angular, the template part is basically an HTML code in which data is bound so working on the template part is very easy for a React beginners. With ReactJS JSX(mix of HTML and JavaScript) is used which is a bit different than HTML code which is a little bit of time taking to understand for learners.


3. Lack of proper documentation

React is updating and accelerating very fastly which is not maintained in the document at the same time, due to that it's very difficult for a new developer to understand it.  The documentation of ReactJS is not good as Angular and also the content/Community Support of ReactJS is a little less than Angular.


4. Problem with SEO

The default apps created with ReactJS do not support SEO. It requires much expertise in ReactJS to develop an application that is SEO friendly so that the application will be properly indexed by Search Engines like Google.


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